We have prepared this guide to aid you in your planning application, we recommend you read this in full and watch the accompanying video. However the guide is not exhaustive, and if you have any questions you should take advice from your architect or agent.

Your Guide to Planning Applications

Developments such as new buildings, extensions, and changes of use often need planning permission. Applications for planning permission are determined by the local Council.

Getting started

To apply for planning permission you need to fill in a form. You can either download the form from the Council’s website, or fill it in electronically via the Planning Portal. There are different types of planning application such as Householder, Full, Outline, and Listed Building Consent, so make sure that you select the right form. On the form you will need to provide a range of information including information about the site, existing and proposed uses, the materials you propose to use, access and parking and trees and hedges.

You will also be required to submit maps. These can be downloaded from us at www.ukplanningmaps.com or ordered by phone on 01856 898 022

Maps Required

Every planning application needs a Location Plan, you can order this from us, online or by phone on 01856 898 022.

A location plan should identify sufficient roads and/or buildings on land adjoining the application site to ensure that the exact location of the application site is clear. It should be centred on your site; if you have a postcode for the site, you can use this to search.The Location map should be of a scale 1:1250 in an urban area, ideally showing 4 hectares. In a rural area the scale should be 1:2500 and show 16 hectares.

The application site should be outlined in red. The red line should include the whole site, i.e. land required for access to the site from a public highway, car parking, gardens and other open land around buildings. If you own other land next to or close to the application site, outline this in blue.

You can use the annotation tool on this website to draw your red and blue lines.

On the planning application form, you will need to provide the size of the whole site either in hectares or square metres. If you don’t already know this, you can use the measuring tool on www.ukplanningmaps.com to find out.
Check the Council’s list of validation requirements on their website.

You may also be required to provide a Site Plan (also know as a Block Plan). Again this can be downloaded from www.ukplanningmaps.com .

It should be of a 1:500 or 1:200 scale and again the site should be outlined in red, with any other nearby land that you own outlined in blue.The site plan should show the proposed development in relation to the site boundary. It should include all buildings – including extensions and other structures – within the application site and at immediate neighbouring properties. Where they influence or would be affected by the proposal, all roads and public rights of way, trees, hard surfacing and boundary treatments must be shown. You may need to print the site plan to mark these features on it if they are not shown.

If you need any help creating your Site Location Plan or your Site Plan please give us a call on 01856 898 022

Drawings Required

You will also usually be required to provide drawings. Usually these are provided by your architect. They can include existing and proposed elevations, existing and proposed floor plans, site sections and finished floor levels and roof plans. These should be drawn at a scale of 1:50 or 1:100, should include details, if applicable, of the materials that you propose to use, and should have dimensions marked on them.

Depending on your proposal, there is a wide range of extra information that you might be required to submit. It is common for the Council to require a Design & Access Statement to explain more about your proposal. You may also be asked to provide specialist reports or surveys, for example relating to noise, biodiversity or flood risk. Check the Council’s validation requirements on their website to find out what applies to your proposal.

You will also need to fill in the ownership certificates – these are part of the application form, at the end. If there are other people with an interest in the land (for example a freeholder if you are the leaseholder) you will need to notify them that you have made a planning application.

Finally, the Council usually require a planning application fee which varies depending on the proposal. You can check the Council’s fee list on their website, or use the Planning Portal to calculate the fee.

What happens next

Once you have submitted your application the Council will validate it, checking that you have provided everything that they need. They will then assign a reference number and allocate the application to a named case officer who will deal with it from then on.

Councils are required by law to publicise all planning applications. Depending on the nature of the proposal, they may write to your neighbours, put up a notice at the site and/or advertise in a local newspaper. The public will then have a limited period in which to make comments.

Planning applications are determined against national and local planning policies. Councils take into account any comments from the public and will often refer to decisions on previous, similar applications. If your application is minor it will usually be determined by the case officer, but if it is larger and/or controversial it will go to Planning Committee and be decided by local Councillors.

Councils aim to provide you with a decision within 8 weeks and will send you a notice setting out the decision and the reasons for it.

If your application is refused you can resubmit with amendments within one year, without paying the Council any planning fee. This is known as your “free go”. Or, if you think that the decision to refuse your application was unfair, you can appeal to the Planning Inspectorate who will reconsider the application impartially, again with no fee. Instructions on how to appeal will be included on your decision notice.

Where can you get more help?

What is a Site Plan

What is a Site Location Plan